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From Daisy to Dyslexic



This is our story; a mother who took over her daughter's Girl Scout Troop when no one else offered to lead and our journey over the last four years.  We have learned, grown, and preserved.   We have gone toe to toe with our school system for support and gone beyond seeking help and testing from a leading Children's Hospital.  Scouting is a place where my daughter can be equal and this blog is a place for me to share our experiences.  The evolution of "my girls"  and my daughter's diagnosis of dyslexia are all shaping the wonderful young woman my Little E is growing into.


Will you be my friend?

Once upon a time our troop had 12 girls and I was beside myself trying to plan and organize activities for all of these kiddos but I have a few good moms and we managed that first year with the 1st graders. 
Each year after that we usually lost one or two girls and sometimes even gained a new girl but by 3rd grade things started to change.  The girls had moved from primary to intermediate school and their attitudes seemed to move too.  They were forming " clicks" and not working together like a Swiss Watch anymore.  I was putting out little 
spats, defusing minor bullying and most all all looking out for Little E (my daughter) who I knew had a learning disability just didn't know what yet.  E and another girl became close and worked together on almost everything we did.  I tried to back off and let the girls lead their own activities.  The result; Little E's buddy quit this year due to the bullying that I could not stop.  I'm the leader and I could not protect this kid from feeling less than an equal.  My troop is now 4 girls and I can fill most of the typical stereo types: 1 rich spoiled girl, 1 only child who has zero patience, 1 child with faith who is polite and respectful, and a child with a disability who works three times as hard as everyone else but is always behind and does not fit in.
During a meeting in late January I was doing the Cyber Safety badge and two of the thee other girls were so rude and mean to Little E I decided then and there I am done as a leader after this year.  E and anyone else who wants to continue can join another local troop.  I am SO PROUD  of E she described her disability to the other girls and did not get upset when she was getting teased about needing help to spell or write.  Her composure is inspiring.


Within our troop we strive to empower our girls through life experience, community service, and self-guided learning opportunities. 

We have cleaned up a local beach, made cat and dog beds for the local animal shelter, made blessing bottles for the homeless shelter, and created foster care "care" packs just to name a few things.  We have some projects in the works as I type this even!

Our biggest fundraiser of the year is the annual cookie sale.  This year cookies are $4 a package and even though our small troop might be ending but we are joining with another troop and the adventures will continue. 

Girls from both troops are going to an adventure based summer camp in July to do a ropes course and an escape room.  


Erin like so many other Girl Scouts across the country are selling cookies to achieve goals.  Please use the link below to find a cookie booth near you. 




(click here to visit the national GSUSA ;age)


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